Sunday, July 9, 2017

Back to Blogging...

I have to admit... I already managed to take a hiatus from the whole blogging thing. I feel like I get stressed out thinking about what to say or making sure I don't forget something, but I have to remember that this blog is for ME. I can't mess up on it or get a "bad grade" on it so I just need to do what I can. I want it to be mainly about my life with Davis and all the things he does. If I tried to include everything I do in this blog it will just be too much, and I will get overwhelmed and give up again. So, here I go again. It's not going to be perfect, but it's going to be what I'm capable of. Here I go, here I go, here I go again!
I think for all the things I missed in the past year I am just going to put up some monthly blogs posts that include pictures and some captions for those pictures. That will help me not to feel so bad.